Day 5: Torchwood, On the Fifth Day of Christmas…

Dec 05, 2012 22:36

Title: On the Fifth Day of Christmas…
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Jack, Ianto, shippy if you wish, which I do.
Warnings (including spoilers): None
Wordcount: 250 by accident, I’m so cool
Summary: Jack wants to know what Ianto’s hiding, but he doesn’t know the rest of the story. For adventchallenge.

Jack entered the kitchen silently. “What’s that?”

Ianto spun around, clutching what looked like a thin cardboard box to his chest. Jack peered at the lettering and the box disappeared behind Ianto’s back.

“You know I’ll find out eventually,” Jack warned with a sly grin.

Ianto weighed his options, and gave in. “It’s an advent calendar,” he said, reluctantly exposing the front of the box. Besides 25 dotted-line squares, the box sported a collection of teddy bears in a sleigh. “It’s a uh, family tradition,” Ianto mumbled, cheeks heating up.

“Why would you hide that?” Jack stepped closer.

“It’s silly, and childlike-”

“And tradition,” Jack interrupted. Deftly, he reached out and popped open the fifth square, then scooped out the chocolate within. For the second time that evening, he squinted at something nearly incomprehensible.

“It’s a reindeer, I think.”

Jack’s expression cleared. “I see. I kind of. So what, do we split it?”

“Uh… Each person has their own calendar,” Ianto said uncertainly.

“Then where’s mine?”

“I- um…”

Jack crossed his arms. “You didn’t get me one?” he teased. “Why Ianto, I can’t believe you didn’t-”

From the same cupboard where he’d hidden his advent calendar, Ianto slipped out another, and Jack was silenced. Ianto’s eyes jumped to and away from Jack. “I didn’t think you’d…” He held out the box.

Jack took it solemnly, but his eyes shone. “I’ve got some catching up to do.”

Pleasure lit Ianto’s face, and he gave Jack a small smile. “I’ll wait.”

category: fic, challenge: adventchallenge, fandom: torchwood, size: drabble

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