Day 7: Torchwood, After Your Eggs Have Hatched

Dec 08, 2012 22:42

Title: After Your Eggs Have Hatched
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Jack/Ianto, team
Warnings (including spoilers): None
Wordcount: 100
Author’s note: This is another pun title, cause of relationship jokes and annoying kids… kill me now. Written for adventchallenge. 'A day late/a buck short/I'm writing/the report/on loosing/and failing/when I move/I'm flailing now.' Yeah.
Summary: Christmas didn’t turn out the way they all planned.

Frustrated with his team’s ceaseless complaining, Jack left the conference room to await the arrival of the pizza somewhere more peaceful. It wasn’t his fault the Rift had been flaring all day, but his grumpy employees didn’t seem to understand. Luckily, Ianto appeared in the main entrance just a minute later.

Hoping to precipitate more complaining, Jack apologized. “I know you wanted to be with your family today, but I had no control-”

Ianto gave Jack a light kiss. “I’m content with the way things turned out.”

They smiled at each other until cries for food rang through the Hub.

category: fic, challenge: adventchallenge, fandom: torchwood, size: drabble

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