Feb 27, 1979 16:46
i'm sure all of you have calendars (and look at them from time to time) but in case you don't: it is very nearly spring! hurrah! i am very ready to retire my winter coat and boots. this is partly because i'm looking forward to warmer (and drier, it's very damp out right now) weather and partly because i've learned that dark winter clothes seem to attract little white cat hairs like nothing else.
erm, also. this is rather embarassing but. does anyone have an idea for a proper manly gift i can give to my father for his birthday (which is coming up very soon. i expect i'll end up there for a weekend)? it isn't that i don't have an idea of what he likes, but i'm dreadful at picking out masculine gifts. mother has dropped a few hints about my past selections, and i don't want to undermine my own father's masculinity on his birthday!
or any day, really, but his birthday is an especially bad day for it.