How Do You Do? Shake Hands...

Oct 06, 2007 22:16

Made a sort-of Introduction Post at Resinality (the 18+ doll forum). Sorry to those on my f-list who aren't. ^^ One day, these pics will go up on my site and y'all can see them then. ^^ Just basic profile-type pics.

Specific Post is here, on the forums (26 pics in the post).

For now, there were a few extra, which I post here. :3

The first three I call: Wendy is Obsessed with Doll Shoes

Halla's new boots are AWESOME. I swear they are MADE of sex. XD

We hug Aki (pris84's Bermann), yes we do. XD He may want to kill us for it, but we are bigger than he is. ^^;;;

doyle, niamh, aki, halla, connor, alex

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