I... am... so... tired.

Oct 11, 2007 01:51

Fuck. I am so tired... z_z

Y'know I love working night shifts... great job, love the work, no boss around, very easy-going... but switching from evening to night shift sucks SO MUCH ass... omg... x_X Someone please shoot me. Put me out of my misery! D: My body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and I swear to god my number one most fervent wish right now is just to srsly lie down, right here on the cold, hard ground, and go to sleep... :( D'ya think if someone found me like that I could B.S. and say I fainted? 'Cuz rly... if I thought I could get away with it... I would.

So tired...

So, so tired...

I was kneeling down to pack up some bags not twenty minutes ago and I almost fell back right on my ass in a passing moment of sleepy!dizzy... and my first thought was, 'No, can't do that... I'll fall asleep... won't get up again...' X_X Please, please, god... I want to sleep. Or die. Well... preferably sleep. But sleep and not get fired... would really be best.

Sunday was Thanksgiving. Went to the Aunt's. Took gwendolinh as her grandparents, apparently, don't celebrate it. :o And everyone deserves turkey on the holiday. :3 Had fun. :) Played Balderdash - tha's a fun game. XD Hadn't played that in a while... Took her home with me and we watched movies and passed out at 5am. XD Spent Monday putting together a drum set and ooohing over the SD-scale awesomeness of it (it's not mine, tho. ^^) and watching t.v. and generally chillaxing. Was going to take pictures but it RAINED all freaking day~

Tuesday, pris84 came over for some dolly-work fun. ^^ Ripped apart two of our dolls (one each) and sanded seams. Ran out of daylight, so the cleaning and MSCing I stayed up for after work and we did that this morning... then promptly passed out before I had to get up again and get back to work. But Doyle is seam-free!!! :DDD He's purty and shiny and new and I am Very Happy!! ^^ Very Very Happy!!!

He will be getting pictureses to show this off... >3

Alex's clubbing outfit is also complete (just got the shirt on Tuesday) and he is awesomely hawt. Hehehehe... He will also need pictures.

God, I'm tired... I need to work. T_T I need to work before I really do pass out... I just needed to share. XD

Love to y'all. :)

To all those waiting on replies, or me to be available... I swear as soon as my brain stops feeling like tv static in my head, I'll get right on that, okay?

z_z ... .zzzzzz...z.z...zzzz......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........


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