Dollie at the Beach ~Niamh~ Post 2/2

Oct 06, 2007 21:31

So my Grandpa owns a paddle-boat. It's painted yellow and has happy faces all over it. XD It also leaks and requires you take a bucket with you to dump water over the side as you paddle... ^^;;; But we like it.

This time she's actually standing on her own. XD *so proud*

Sandcastles!! :D

What better way to amuse yourself on the car ride home but to take pictures of a pretty girl? :3

And some extra of RL pics. :)


Taking pictures of the sunset. :)

Toniata is a very small beach. XD Here is the left side...

The middle...

And the right. XD And that's it...

Here's the park behind it. Swings, volleyball, and play structure. There's also a big brick barbeque way back there nearer the campsite.

This is not Toniata. ^^ This is my Aunt and two nephews when we went for Ice Cream at West Hawk. :) Aren't they adorable... in pictures.

More of the Sunset. :)


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