May 01, 2006 14:41
I must say, this weekend was a little slice of wonderful. I gave, hopefully, my last presentation of the semester on Friday, which I will admit I freaked out during and completely made zero sense. I had the entire speech written out with what I was going to say, but then I couldn't keep quality eye contact going, so I just decided to screw the prewritten lecture, which actually took days to complete, and just fly by the seat of my pants. Considering that I am far from spontaneous and prefer to have everything worked out in advance, I wasn't exactly in my element, but I still managed to babble about Biblical/Roman history for about 20 minutes. Luckily, it was a group project, so the other two people went after me, thus I had time to calm down my breathing and slow my obnoxious heart rate from turbo speed to mildly fast paced while they presented theirs. I know that it certainly could have been more polished, but I was just so relieved that it was all over. Later that night, we watched the first and second Final Destinations. These movies are surely ridiculous and slightly more gorey than I usually appreciate, but I have to admit that they are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, just like reading the obituaries in the newspaper.
Ok, that last part was just to be weird. I swear that I do not currently, nor have I ever read the death notices for pleasure. That's my grandma's job, and I assure you that I am not kidding with that. If you can't tell, I come from quite an interesting breed of odd.
To continue with the details of el fin de semana pasado, we celebrated Chris' birthday up here on Saturday! We decided that we were going to be Wild West Folk, and giddy on up on a steed. After a good bit of driving around and Heather scaling fences, we finally found a place that would let us mount their stallions. It was a little drizzly, but the rain wasn't stopping us! All the horses were actually very well behaved. It was a much more positive experience than the last time I went horseback riding when my over-sized and, not to mention, over-zealous horse tried to brawl with Katelin's. After that, we came back for a quick change of clothes and then went out to dinner followed by watching Pete's Dragon back here on campus. Chris, birthday girl, I'll be your candle on the waaater ;)
The agreeable weekend certainly didn't stop there. My parents came up on Sunday, which is always a treat. My dad was sporting his Confederate General look, yet again, and was accompanied by my goofy, yet lovable mummy. I feel like such a dork, but I seriously had a great time with them. My dad baked delicious brownies for me, and I had told my mom about my previous entry where I discussed my series of waterspillings, so she bought me a sippy cup with Snow White on it. Like I said, the peculiarness runs in the family. I did have a great time with them though, and I'm looking forward to being eccentric with them back at home in a few weeks.
Even for those that I didn't get to see, this weekend really reminded me of how blessed I am. Thank you everyone for giving me a multitude of reasons to be happy and for being a part of my life. ::Pause for corny music:: Ta ta my lovelies!