May 21, 2008 20:40
Wow... It's been a while this is the first time I have felt like writing in so long it's weird I think I lost myself the past year.. I lost myself in my job and my boyfriend and kinda forgot who I was. I suck ahah I wonder if anyone even reads this anymore I even forgot how to make a cut oh well looks like I will be making my friends annoyed. TBC I gotta go to bed
Waging War over pacifism
Haha dmo and I got in a huge argument just now over the political race he says he would vote for Mccain if obama is the democratic leader... then we got into his belief that we (as a country) should bomb the hell out of whoever attacks us first Wait... what the fuck?>?? are you kidding me this is just days after he was reading a quote by ghandi "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" and agreeing with it so how the fuck do you go with agreeing with that and having a kinda of pacifistic stance to lets fucking bomb them... *sigh* I dunno I guess it might be a man thing any of you females feel the same way about war? I doubt anyone on my friends list does