
Aug 25, 2013 22:45

Haven't posted in a while, and haven't been reading too much lj, either. Brief update follows, in two parts as usual.

Half empty glass:
I have been filling my days as usual - paid work, research, translating, being close to a friend who has breast cancer (not my former best friend. That chapter is closed. Am trying to "deal with it", not all that successfully).
Trying not to think about the forthcoming Australian federal election, which will probably be won by a right-wing Catholic who only thinks in terms of The Economy and Individuals, and who wants to improve the economy by saving money on expenses for refugees. The Labor candidate is little better - he has come up with the Brilliant Solution of taking all would-be refugees who land here to Papua New Guinea. The Greens have an ethical dimension, but there are few of them, and the majority of voters see them as hopeless idealists. I have been doorknocking and letterboxing for them, without much hope at all.

Half full glass:
My son has survived the bull run in Pamplona (I know, I know) and is now happily island-hopping in Greece. His emails are long, stream-of-consciousness, written in English (tut, tut) and full of enthusiasm and joy.
My twice-weekly visits to the gym are giving me a little more energy (and it's fun to see a little progress in my 20 minutes on the treadmill, from 1.5 km to 2 km and, today, 2.2 km).
Friends are always an asset. Books ditto.
I hope to buy a ticket for Bruce Springsteen (again? oh yes) and two weeks ago I went to hear Joan Baez in Melbourne - her voice has lost some of its amazing purity, but she sang Woody Guthrie's "Deportees" for us (audience of mostly white baby boomers) and we applauded.
I may well have left active fandom for good, but a few slashy thrills between Inspector Reid and Captain Jackson in Ripper Street are always welcome.

My friends, I hope that all of you are well.
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