peeking in

Sep 10, 2013 21:12

Trying to "look on the bright side of life" after a pretty catastrophic election - Australia is now looking at at least three years of (1) asylum seekers being sent back to a number of Asian countries of varying degrees of poverty (2) the carbon tax being repealed (today, in EARLY SPRING, there were bad bushfires near Sydney, where the temperature was 32 degrees) (3) cuts in public services (which will sooner or later impact on community interpreters) (4) more highways, freeways and motorways instead of expansion of public transport (5) more expenditure on "defense" etc. etc. etc. Bright side of life: at least the past Labor Prime Minister (about whom the less said, the better) will never lead the country again and will hopefully fade away on the back benches. And the one Greens MP in the main House of Parliament has increased his primary vote and will be one of the voices of reason. And there will be a number of Greens Senators in the other House of Parliament.

My, shall we say daredevil? son, having managed to avoid being gored and trampled in Pamplona, has also managed to outrun an Italian bull in the Dolomites. He went for a solo mountain hike, stopped to take photos of a herd of cows grazing in a high-altitude field, and found himself pursued by a camera-shy bull. Thank goodness that in his teens and early twenties he was a pretty good amateur runner: he ran for his life, dashed up some rocks and spent the next half hour perched on them until the bull got fed up of pawing the ground and left.

Yours truly - still working, still seeing friends (both sick and healthy), still wondering whether the Australian Greens will ever become a bigger, more multicultural party, still trying not to give in to gloom-and-doom. Pondering about the chances of falling in love with a new person (VERY slim indeed) or a new fandom (yes, please, but no likely candidates at the moment).

Happy 5774 to my Jewish friends and happy (late) birthday to kindkit
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