Mar 21, 2010 23:36
Saturday I raked and bagged thirty 30-gallon yard bag of leaves heavily matted down by winter that I did not get to last fall.
A combination of sore hands and shoulders from the raking combined with cold weather made shooting a challenge this morning. It was the first outdoor match of the year temperature were in the low 30's to start, although the weather was fairly nice for second squad. To make matters more fun in my first squad I was RO'ing a huge squad of 11 shooters with 5 new shooters in it. Talk about making and RO nervous. I ended up DQ'ing two shooters, and only one of them was a new shooter.
In other sad news I sold my Snapper riding lawn mower Saturday. I couldn't find an engine to replace the blown one and it was taking up too much room in the garage/shop. I will being buying a new walk behind lawn mower hopefully later this week. I am going to miss my old rider.
In other sadder news the House passed "Obama Care". I give it a 60% chance of, in practice, not really changing the present mess much at all, just sort of stir the inefficiencies around a lot. A 20% chance of actually doing a slim to moderate more good than harm. That leaves a 20% chance of the whole thing melting down into a stinking pile of government bureaucracy and greed. Independent of the final results of this bill the process of getting to this point stinks to high heaven and this would be one of the big reasons congress' popularity is so so rmlow.
not funny