Lots of reports today that
David Souter is retiring from the Supreme Court, although he hasn't announced anything yet.
IIRC, he was a compromise candidate between Bush the First and the Democratic Senate, and turned out pretty good... I was worried when Justice Brennan retired, as he'd been such a stalwart supporter of the Right to Privacy, and thought that anyone Bush appointed would hit at that, especially at Roe v. Wade... but Souter hasn't. And actually voted with the majority on
Planned Parenthood V. Casey, which had been widely expected to overturn or at least severely limit Roe and because of 3 Republican appointed "turncoats" wasn't (didn't?).
Speaking of the Supreme Court,
Bruce Schneier has an interesting bit today on
Antonin "That Idiot" Scalia. Just like him to blame the messenger when it's his own poorly thought out words and thoughts. The comments are straight on, even though the one guy claims that just because it can be done, it shouldn't be. That's true... fortunately for That Idiot, this time it was just a law school class... not someone stalking him, or trying to steal his identity.