And more

Mar 09, 2010 17:25

I think that the winner - for lack of a better term - is the one who's going to be strong enough to tell the both of them to go to hell. That's not going to be Jack, because he's got too much ego involved in every decision he makes. What's best for everyone - well, best for everyone according to Jack's lights. Kate is too conflicted about everything, really. Claire and Sayid are dead. So is Locke. And Juliet. Bernard and Rose opted out long ago. Ben, as much as I love how the character is written, is the flip side of Jack, just going in another direction. Sawyer may have a chance; he's certainly aware of the good and bad in each of us. It may be Jin or Sun. Or Hugo. In fact, it might very well end up being Hugo. He's always been his own man, really.

I would love it if it were Kate or Sun, but I think it's a man's world on the island. I think that MIB and Jacob will manipulate either sex, but it's the men that they look to for the big moves, the big game plays. Hmmmm. Maybe that's why it could end up being one of the women after all - to refute those two asshats in every way possible.

Back to dinner.

tv, lost

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