LOST - theories in bits and pieces

Mar 09, 2010 17:13

I'm trying to get dinner ready, so this is in between checking on things.

1. I don't believe that the war between MIB and Jacob is as straightforward as back vs. white. I believe that they see it that way, but I think it's more complex than that. Nothing and no one is black or white. We're all complex, nuanced, shaped by our pasts and the individual perspectives that they've provided in context of our society/religion/family/personal morality/whatever. It's what you do with all of that that counts.

2. Jacob and MIB are different sides of the same coin. They both offer choices to the main characters, but they differ in how they do it. Jacob isn't as explicit as MIB, but he opens doors to them by his actions rather than his words as MIB does. Giving Sawyer the pencil to continue writing that threatening not . . . or not. It was up to Sawyer ultimately, but Jacob sure gave him a push in the right direction. Then there was the choice given Dogan.

3. Jacob is one cold-blooded bastard. Nothing "good guy" about him. He's been complicit in a number of deaths. Don't forget that it was he who ordered the younger Ben to murder all of the Dharma personnel.

4. Sayid and Claire are both supposedly infected, but they seem to experience it differently, don't they? Claire seems delusional and Sayid seems clear-headed. Of course, Sayid hasn't spent the last three years surviving in the jungle alone with MIB for company. (But really, why doesn't she recognize him as Locke?) Again, they were both offered choices, but this time by MIB.

5. Gotta go check on dinner

tv, lost

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