Happy Christmas

Dec 25, 2009 15:58

Last night I was reading Pride & Prejudice and Into the Wilderness (which by the way is freaking BRILLIANT).  I fell asleep by the fire reading which was absolutely lovely.  I've decided this book is written about the generation AFTER last of the Mohicans.  It's killing me, really, killing me.

Anyway, when I got I read more, took a shower, and got dressed in my green 18th century gown to satisfy my cravings of wearing it.  When I finally got downstairs and was fully dressed I found out that Terry and Martha were going to visit Mema so I joined them, fully dressed.  It was nice to see her but she's off her depression meds which first of all ISN'T FAIR, but also makes her just sit there and kind of loopy.  I brought my books just in case and I'm glad I did because I couldn't stay with her as long as Martha and Terry could.  It's really hard for me to see her like this when I have memories of her when I was a little girl making us snacks and living on her own.

Oh and last night before we left for Sally's my mom and I stopped by Borders to get Jeff's gift and I picked up Jane Eyre which I'll probably start reading after I finish Pride & Prejudice.  Hopefully I'll finish it in a couple days because I have less than 100 pages left.

And now that we're back I'm going to switch between reading Into the Wilderness and Pride & Prejudice until Jeff gets here with his "girlfriend" type person and we open gifts.

books, pride & predjudice, jane austen, vacation, pictures

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