Market Experiment and Flash Sale

Dec 14, 2014 21:35

Just got back from the Brick Lane market experiment. While it wasn't as big a failure as my previous attempts at markets, I wouldn't call it a success either. I made a small profit, but it wasn't worth all the time and effort I put into it. The problem with markets seems to be two-fold. On one hand they are all inundated with cheap mass-produced products which make our handmade ones look out of place and over-priced. The solution is to find a proper craft-market that is strict about only allowing handmade, but those are few and often hard to get to and to get accepted into.

On the other hand most people just browse. I believe that even if I had my stuff cheaper I still wouldn't have made many more sales that I did, because the root of the problem is that most of the people were not interested in buying anything. I don't know what the solution to that is.

Here are some photos from the market anyway:

The adorable screen printed stuff is by my friend Elina who I was sharing the stall with.

Now that that is done with, I have a week left before I go home for the holidays. A week to get all my final christmas preparations wrapped up. And a week where hopefully I will have the time to properly catch up with my f-list and some fandom fests.

And a week in which I am holding a surprise flash sale in my shops! With the coupon code LJDEC14 you can get 30% off all items until saturday the 20th of december. I will post everything off by monday morning the 22nd of december the latest. So yeah, one final push and then I close shop and relax.

ApareciumPrints for geeky stuff
Inkdoodles for original stuff

photos, london adventures, apareciumprints, etsy, storenvy, inkdoodles

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