Happy Meme Day 4

Feb 09, 2009 23:09

RL: Easy. Monday night RPG, remember? Star Wars right now, and oh, it was fantabulous. We made such very inappropriate jokes, though. I would feel terrible repeating them. The only sad thing was that Gabe wasn't there, so my character was without her bestest buddy. ::sniff:: No infuriating team of Gem and Jymm! Oh, 'twas sad. Gabe, you are not allowed to get sick ANY MORE. ::builds germ-proof shell around him::

Also happy--watching the first two episodes of Supernatural with my Padfoot, since I went down earlier in the afternoon and forced her to watch with me. ♥

SPN: I love the way fandom can draw people around the world together in times of crisis, our shared love of a work of fiction leading to friendship and support. Latest example would be the Australia fires, of course, and how we can show our love for each other half a world away. Hold on, my Australian flisties! I wish you all the best, now and always. You are in my thoughts and my prayers in this terrible time. ::HUGS, SO MANY HUGS::

life, i have awesome friends, memes, supernatural

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