Happy Meme Day 5

Feb 10, 2009 22:27

RL: Today I rode around with my windows down and a cool, fresh breeze blowing through my car. 59 degrees! What kind of madness is this? It made me happy, though.

SPN: This theory is adorable and made of win. I totally believe it. ::nods firmly:: No spoilers or anything.

Not RL or SPN, but OMG, Leverage is giving me such glee! Parker and Hardison need to be talking to each other ALL THE TIME. And Eliot, yeah, he can just beat people up constantly and I will be enthralled. The other two are also cute. Eee! I squeak with happiness at least five times an episode, and I've only watched five so far. That's twenty-five happy squeaks at minimum.

leverage, meta rec, memes, weather, supernatural

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