Blast and Darn!

Nov 05, 2008 08:55

Fudge cripple! I was working on "PB&J" this morning at home and was SO CLOSE to done and I emailed it to myself to work on it here and it hasn't gone through and I think I forgot to hit send! Oh, dash and bother! I'm getting itchy to post again, and I was SO CLOSE. Agh! Stinkerfritz! Fish crackers! Every stupid thing I've ever said in annoyance! Blargh!


Well, I'll just leave you with a couple of thoughts from JACKNDEAN!

"Jelly is for the weak." - Jack O'Neill

"I'm not creepy. I'm adorable." - Dean Winchester

There. That will have to do.

jackndean!, fanfic

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