Pic Meme

Nov 04, 2008 13:39

1. Stop talking about politics for a moment or two.
2. Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS.
3. Include these instructions, and share the love.

I had a really hard time picking. I have lots of pretty pics in my photobucket, and I go gloat over them every once in a while. But here's some fanart that never fails to make me feel all warm and happy. Qui-Gon and baby Obi! Awww. Totally not!canon, but I don't care.

Ed: Holy cupcakes, that's huge! Gimme a second, I'll figure out how to make it littler.

Ed2: Okay, that's better. Here's a link to the big version, so you may roll around in the cuteness: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y153/maychorian/sleep.jpg.

And here's a link to the AU this comes from, in case you would like to explore the lovely fics. http://www.geocities.com/elementaryjedi/

obi-wan kenobi, fic rec, pic, memes, qui-gon jinn, star wars

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