This is the conversation that's been happening in my head EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Sam: I want in I want in! Let me into the JacknDean ‘Verse! It’ll be so much fun! Jack and Dean will flummox me with their nuttiness and I’ll flummox them with my intelligence and me and Daniel will be instant BFFs. C’mon c’mon, you know you want to!
Me: But…but…but I have plans. There is still more John stuff to be written. I was going to write a whole casefile just with those three. And who knows what will happen if I go out of order? PURE INSANITY WILL RESULT! I won’t know which events I ought to be referencing! What if something happens with John that will need to be in your story? Won’t you feel bad?
Sam: Nope, no, not at all. I wanna be in the ‘verse! Pleeeeaaasse put me in the ‘verse! Pleeeaaassee! WE CAN GO TO AN ALIEN PLANET AND FIGHT GHOSTS AND IT WILL BE SO AWESOME. ::puppy eyes of DOOM::
Me: No, no, it totally will be awesome. I’m going to do it, I promise! Just give me time!
Sam: Now now now now now now now! ::jumps on the bed::
Me: You’re such a little kid! And where did the bed come from? I thought this was just in my head.
Sam: ::still jumping:: If I wanna jump, it appears. C’mon, put me in the ‘veeeeerrrrssseee.
Daniel: Me too! Jack still hasn’t told me what’s going on and he promised, darn him. I’m getting antsy stuck over here in Colorado.
Me: Oh, no, not two of you! Listen, Daniel, I’m pretty sure you’re busy being chained to Vala right now. How on earth would that work? I think you’re too distracted to deal with the reality of supernatural beings right now.
Daniel: Nuh uh! I can totally handle it! I’m an excellent multi-tasker!
Sam Carter: Me too! I want to figure out how to make a salt rifle! It will be fantastic!
Me: ::dies of frustration::
Bobby: Hey, who’s this Jack O’Neill character, and why is he horning in on my father-figure territory? What, am I not good enough for you? I’m awesome! I speak Japanese! Can Jack O’Neill speak Japanese? Does he have a pig hat? Yeah, I thought not.
Me: ::is even deader::
Teal’c: I greatly desire to meet this “John Winchester” person. I believe that we would be well-matched in battle.
John: I can totally take him.
Me: ::is a rotting corpse at this point::
Daniel and Sam Winchester (together): At least give us a one-shot or something. Come oooooooon!
Meanwhile, in Minnesota…
Jack: ::gives Dean a very smug look:: You see how awesome we are? Everyone wants in on this sweet action.
Dean: ::nods gravely:: Bunch of babies. So. More fishing?
Jack: More fishing.
::Jack and Dean mosey off to do more fishing, darn them::