Translation of Lisa Edelstein's interview in the French magazine "Femme Actuelle"

Jun 25, 2011 23:35

The French magazine Femme Actuelle published an "interview" of Lisa Edelstein. The scan of the original article can be seen here:
Here is the translation:

Lisa Edelstein drops the white coat

While the excellent season 6 of House has just been released on DVD, the actress who plays the famous Dr. Cuddy tells us everything……… well, almost! Explosive encounter.

Usually it’s all about Hugh Laurie. But since a few weeks, everyone talks about her only. Last May, Lisa Edelstein brutally announced she was leaving the show, sending the fans in a state of shock. The actress, paid not less than $175,000 per episode would have refused a 20% salary pay cut. At the moment, NBC would apparently be trying to talk she, who makes everyone’s heart race, into coming back. So will she stay or leave? We were thrilled to ask her about that in an exclusive interview. The actress, muzzled by Universal PR has been told not to talk. We tried everything. Interview under close surveillance.

Femme Actuelle: Season 6, now airing in France is quite successful. What to expect in season 7?
Lisa Edelstein: There’s a lot going on for House and Cuddy, and more specifically House is finally going to accept to invest emotionally in their couple. But things are going to get complicated. They’re both going to live through a lot of ordeals. It’s going to get harder and harder for them to manage to combine work and private life.

FA: What makes their love story so special?
LE: Everyone has once been in a weird relationship, made of conflicts, frustration and love. House is a complex man. He has an incredible talent for ruining the good moments (laughs). Their relationship is a mix of contradictory feelings. There is not just one way of loving House, but several. Eventually, Cuddy can’t live without him. their story is a never-ending one.

FA: House and Cuddy play cat and mouse. Who’s gonna have the last word?
LE: (laughs) I hope I’ll be the one having the last word, for once! But Gregory House is a guy who's hard to follow. In truth, I don’t know how their relationship is going to evolve. That’s the writers’ job to decide!

FA: Is House capable of loving a woman?
LE: I don’t think so. (laughs) Love is not a natural feeling for him.

FA: In real life, could you fall in love with a man like him?
LE: House is a fascinating character for a woman. But I confess I have never met a man like him in real life.

FA: What kind of man is Hugh Laurie?
LE: Hugh is a brilliant and very funny man. He’s a hard worker too. He works more than anyone else. He’s always very harsh, very demanding with himself. He’s also a very passionate man and an excellent musician.

FA: How's the atmosphere on set?
LE: The atmosphere is both studious and relaxed. We work a lot, especially Hugh because he has to be there almost every day. We sometimes have long conversations together. He talks a lot about his next novel with me.

FA: When he doesn’t act, Hugh Laurie writes detective novels and sings the blues. What are you doing in your spare time?
LE: I like to paint. I do yoga. I travel as soon as I can. I’ve travelled to Paris several times, it’s a beautiful city. I like to walk in the streets of your capital.

FA: Your father was an E.R doctor. Were you destined to play the role of Dr. Cuddy?
LE: Maybe. I used to follow him in the E.R and watch him perform medical interventions. I was fascinated by his work, his composure. As a result I feel very at ease in hospitals. Seeing injured people doesn’t repel me. I’m not the kind of person who easily faints.

FA: What do you think about Barack Obama's Health Program?
LE: In the U.S, accessing medical care is a luxury. Our health system is one of the worst in the world because it’s extremely expensive. Barack Obama, thanks to his reform, will allow millions of Americans to have access to a decent health insurance at a lower cost. It’s a very good thing.

FA: You don’t have kids, is that a personal decision?
LE: It’s a choice I assume. I never wanted to have kids and that’s not a problem for me. As a woman, I feel pressured by the media and society. I thought about adoption at some point in my life, but in the end, I'd rather be single.

FA: Is it harder for an actress to age on TV or in the movie industry?
LE: I don’t know what to say. I’m 44 for the first time in my life! (laughs) Actresses have far fewer professional opportunities than men, it’s a fact. More and more actresses have cosmetic surgery. It’s preoccupying.

FA: Hugh Laurie declared he wanted to leave House at the end of season 8, are you worried about that?
LE: His contract ends after season 8. I don’t know if he wants to go on after that.

FA: Recently you’ve declared you wanted to leave the show: true or false?
(silence. An assistant stops the interview.)

FA: Last question: what are you going to do after the series ends?
LE: I will surely join another series. I am very excited at the prospect of what comes after…

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Dr. Cuddy rises up in arms for abortion.

On screen she stands up to the irascible Dr. House. In real life, Lisa Edelstein is an engaged woman who isn't scared to fight for just causes. After defending animals’ rights, she made a bold move, filming a clip to support the right to abortion in reaction to a Republican law project. A brave move in a country where the issue is far from being unanimous. “I’ve decided to participate in that campaign because women’s rights are endangered. For women my age, it’s almost natural to be a feminist.”

interview, house, season 6, cuddy, season 7, article, translation, lisa edelsein

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