Translation of Hugh Laurie's interview in Star Magazine - June 2011

Jun 26, 2011 13:22

NB: the scanned page of the original article can be seen here

Star Magazine published an interview of Hugh Laurie that was shared online yesterday. I was asked to do a translation. So here it is.

One clarification though, before I post: I have my opinion on Hugh Laurie and how he cowardly handled season 7 P.R campaign. I have my opinion on the lack of comments he issued once Lisa’s departure was announced. I have my opinion on the way he more or less always enthusiastically praised the writing no matter what the content was… And I had it long before that article was published... But I also have my opinion on newspapers and journalism and that’s two different things… So I will NOT comment back on that thread, because I don't want to go there. Please excuse me for that.

However, to everyone leaving a reply (I hope you will! LOL) THANK YOU FOR READING!


During his stay in Paris, for the promotion of his blues album, Hugh Laurie welcomed us to talk about the very controversial season 7 finale of House. He also revealed to us his intention of leaving the series at the end of next season. House’s days are numbered…

Star Magazine: What can possibly have crossed House’s mind when he drove his car into Cuddy’s house?
Hugh Laurie: I’ve always known deep inside me that House was capable of killing someone on a whim… but for me, House absolutely didn’t want to kill Cuddy by driving his car full speed into her living room. Proof is, he waited for her to walk out of the room to do that impulsive act, triggered by a mix of anger and frustration, in the aftermath of their break-up. House couldn’t stand seeing her with another man. But for me, there is no way he wanted to hurt her personally

SMag: How did you react when you heard about this crazy, unlikely twist?
HL: I immediately thought it was a great idea! Even if House and Cuddy had broken up earlier in the season, their relationship had to end in a dramatic, unexpected, and explosive way. And it feels good to find out about that new side of House. He, who always behaves in such a rational way, is actually capable of losing it completely. It’s good to see that this ‘old chum’ House can still be able to take us off guard…

SMag: The relationship between House and Cuddy was doomed to fail, right?
HL: I’ve never believed in a happy end between Cuddy and House. It couldn’t happen for the simple reason that House is too selfish to be in a serious relationship. To make a relationship work, you have to put the other in the forefront, before your own needs. And House can’t do that… Not yet, at least.

SMag: The news of Lisa Edelstein, aka Cuddy, leaving the show took the fans aback…
HL: We were the first to be surprised among the cast and crew. We will miss her terribly and her departure is something truly unfortunate, even more so since next season will most likely be the last, at least this is what I wish.

SMag: So you’re ready to say farewell to House?
HL: Yes, I feel like it’s time for me to bow out of the show. Eight years, that’s a long time… I feel the need to go back to a more normal rhythm of life and not wake up every day at 6am… Since the beginning, I’m practically exclusively living my life for House, so I’m looking forward to having a break. It may not seem like it but the series’ constraints have had a not so very positive impact on my marriage, and I’ve come close to a disaster more than once in that area. Now, I really want to be more present for my wife and family…

SMag: Do you at least know what season 8 has in store for us?
HL: No. I have no idea. The writers haven’t met yet to talk about it. But I suppose that, once again, this season will be challenging for House. What I really want, above all else, is to go out with a bang...

SMag: Were you surprised when your blues album was so enthusiastically critically acclaimed?
HL: I rather expected to be blown out of the water by the critics because actors or actresses who try their hands at music are generally not very warmly welcomed. But luckily, it seems like journalists and people in general actually listened to my music attentively, and with an open-mind. And I think people have understood that this album really came from the heart and that it was not a marketing coup. Good thing!

SMag: Where do you get your kicks from the most: being on set with House, or on stage playing music?
HL: It’s incomparable! On set, while playing House, I’m controlling myself. Each one of my move is extremely thought-out and rehearsed. On the opposite, when I’m on stage I’m totally letting myself go, what I don’t usually allow myself to do when I’m House. My album, the music I play, all of that is a lot like the real me, while I’m a million miles away from who House is.

SMag: Have you thought about focusing your career on music exclusively?
HL: No. I have no intention of giving up on my acting. When House comes to an end, I will most probably take a break to recharge my batteries but I’ll be back on set, one way or the other. Recording an album wasn’t something I’d planned before I was offered the opportunity. For me, it’s just pure bonus. But my real career is in the cinema, or on television…

translation, article, season 7, hugh laurie, interview, house, season 8

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