May 04, 2014 10:34
Jeez, so all of April followed most of March in being completely uncovered in this little cornet of the Net. Not too surprising, considering the apparent dying state of LJ here, at least in my social circles. Still sticking with it for now though.
So, not a lot worth reporting in life for the most part - at least not that anyone who needs to know doesn't already. Still far busier than I ever should be, although it comes with the promise of the coming summer and con season.
ColossalCon will be standard as it has been for a long time - this'll be my ninth straight year and don't ever doubt that it'll kick like always. Less than five weeks til it comes along and knowing how quickly that time can vanish in my life, I'm having to really ramp up my planning efforts.
Likewise, TrotCon will follow that about two weeks later, and I'm looking forward to that one a lot too as each year it proves to be a fantastic chance to just spend a weekend kicking back with people in the pretty parts of Columbus.
TFCon this year is actually in doubt. The record will show that I am currently still plotting to make it happen, but on a restricted sort of time frame. You see, my normal traveling companions for such are bugging out this year because of online drama, and without my usual people to hang about the whole thing turns into merely a glorified (and fairly convoluted) shopping trip. Granted, it's not that I haven't gone to great lengths before in the name of acquiring the toys I so adore. But when ~most~ of them could surely be gotten online without the need for about $100 in fuel, crossing the Canadian border twice, reserving a hotel room for a night, getting registered for a con, and waiting in the dealer-room line that makes the BMV look like a day at the park I start to wonder if it's worth the trouble. Currently no shortage of time to think about it though.
It's also kind of interesting to note that another change coming to ol' KSU here is that its student newspaper seems to be on the verge of abandoning actual paper in favor of online distribution. Now I'm well aware of the environmental impact of all the paper that gets processed into the kind of thing that not a lot of people tend to bother reading (one need only look at the stacks of each day's edition left over when said day is done), and it does seem to be losing relevance in the current day and age. But I knew that paper from even before my own college tenure began, and I'm intensely nostalgic about picking up an issue when time allows me to sit about the campus and catch up on things - I've even been clued in to a couple important and/or really cool things by doing so over the years. Still though, the image of coming to campus occasionally to read the stories online (I'd never think to do it from home, methinks) in the same manner that I used to read a heavy daily dose of web-comics a decade and change ago is one I could be comfy with, probably.
Further bulletins as events warrant. Catch you on the download.
-Max out