Mar 09, 2014 09:55
So we're getting well-on in a pretty interesting weekend.
First of all, at no point did I actually realize the time change for Spring was last night. I had to note the difference between the clock in my car and my phone, and then Google it to make sure. That should give you an idea of how disconnected my busy life keeps me from things.
Yesterday turned into one that was pretty epic after a fashion. I started it off with a really early work shift again, and after it was done I joined Take on a jaunt to Mentor where a minor brony meet was to be had. It turned out to be a ~very~ small one - only six people at the maximum - but it was still reasonably fun and took me to Great Lakes Mall, where I had the serendipity to come across a Generations Doubledealer in a little comic shop - this being a Transformer that was ~reported~ to have been released months ago but which has eluded me ever since. So that was a pretty amazing little stroke of luck - just have to find a Rhinox now.
Anyway, for those keeping score (or just unaware), Friday last had sunny skies and a temperature that topped 50 F, clearly a teaser that means that spring isn't too far off, though of course around here we have to temper our optimism with the knowledge that the 'transition' seasons are anything but consistent. This was proved out by the fact that Saturday turned out to be overcast and cold, around freezing, and even dropped about an inch-odd of snow on us all. But then this morning came about, and it's apparently supposed to warm a ~bit~, and the day has already shown us another perfect instance of cloudless sunny sky.
So... yeah. Between the time change and the even more powerful schizophrenia of weather patterns, it looks like Spring really is booting up. It almost feels odd, because after you get through a winter as goddamn cold and snowy as this one has been, you start getting it ingrained in your head that such weather is the norm and could go on forever. But thankfully it doesn't - however eventually, it'll always yield to warmer days and let the leaves come back to the trees and flowers to all kinds of other plants. I'm looking forward to this, oh yes I am.
Catch you on the download.
-Max out