Con time approaches...

Jun 04, 2014 18:53

So yep, we're at less than 24 hours to ColossalCon, and my ninth straight year attending such. Plans are still coming together, but it's been slow going thanks to the (all together now) heavy volume of time that work is consuming. Still, I'm just about done with the preparations, now it's a matter of getting there and doing my thing.

I think I had something in mind to ramble about, but instead of doing that I think I'll wait until I get back and post up my con report. Interestingly, the second of two days I will have off work post-con will fall directly on the tenth anniversary of this little log of mine. Maybe I'll have something interesting to share on that day. I guess we'll see.

Obviously I'll be hard to find that weekend. Unless you're at the con too - which you really should be. If you are, I'll see you there.

-Max out.
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