Hmmm, i'm not feelin all so
great...not at all. I missed the chance to talk to Derek and RJ today
but I was sleepin as always...damnit. Ok, tommorow i'm going to sleep
through History (after my test), Math, and maybe if I can French. Hehe,
maybe then i'll have enough energy to be awake around 5. I kinda feel
guilty though, I stayed up all night playing this thing my brother told
me to download. It's a 3rd person shooter galled Gunz (
I've been playin that too much, I also got my new little fuzzy foxy
buddy to play it. I need to go kill him a bit later if nothing comes
up....hehehe. It's pretty fun though, free too, and doesn't require
much out of your comp. My laptop runs it while docked, hehe. Not much
in this piece of shit at all.
Anyways I wish I had someone to call and talk to but
i'm afraid if I call TJ without notice he will get in trouble and if I
call RJ i'm freting that he will be at work....dangit. Oh well...hmm. I
need something to go cuddle with....heh. Not much to talk about this
time. I'll be on Gunz if ya need me. ^_^ Sweet dreams everyone!