Jan 28, 2007 13:50
It really is beautiful out today. It's January 28th! It's not supposed to be beautiful out. There is supposed to be 3 feet of snow of the ground and the sky is supposed to be gray and everyone is supposed to be miserable and depressed!!
I'm really glad we are having a mild [holy-shit-understatement-of-the-year] winter season. I think it has snowed a total of maybe 4 inches? I know that in the long run this is bad. It might mean possible global warming, bad economy for the north east because no one can go skiing, etc... but its nice out!! To be honest, you and I will be dead by the time the northeast becomes a tropical paradise and Europe is encased in ice again.. so it's not really a big deal right? (How's that for apathy? =D)
I am looking to invest in a new car stereo deck and some reasonably priced speakers for my motor vehicle. The deck that is in there is awful. Sometimes when you turn the volume up, it goes down.. and when you change the radio station, sometimes the CD player comes on. Maybe it's bad wiring? I'm pretty sure that Ruth installed it. haha. Best Buy has some free installation and stuff, but I have to figure out how to buy stereo stuff..