Jan 27, 2007 10:00
I haven't bothered to post here in a while.. You'll have to sue me. There hasn't been much to discuss going on in my life. It's really boring, actually. I work at my meh job and I play World of Warcraft, still. :)
I haven't done out to a party in a long time and most people think I've dropped off the face of the planet. This is not neccessarily a bad thing, although my social life is nil.
I really miss techno. I miss hearing it on amazing sound systems and dancing. I have been itching to hit up a high quality party in the last month or so. Although, it doesn't really seem those are around the Northeast as of late. I think I'd like to go to an Ultra, Monster Massive, or something overseas.. but moneywise thats not really possible. DEMF would be nice, or possibly WEMF if its happening this year. Although seeing lots of people I know on drugs does not appeal to me.
I miss Soren. I wish I could fly out to Arizona and check out a massive techno party in the desert with him...
I've been listening to a lot of minimal [acid] techno lately.. it's good :) I've been trying to find new music to download through iTunes, but their electronic music is seriously lacking. I thought it would be the best source for some older stuff, but they've got nothing before 2005 and a lot of singles and EP's.. I want high quality DJ sets or releases.