VIVA macht zum Jahresende 2018 zu

Jun 29, 2018 23:32

...Den aufmerksamen Beobachter wundert es, dass es eigentlich noch so lange gedauert hat ( Read more... )

deutsch, television, entertainment, ereignis, music, networks, media, trash, devil in disguise, system

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kanzeon_2040 June 29 2018, 22:46:37 UTC
I tried to read some of that via Google Translate ... reminds me of an old science fiction novel I read about how the powerful folks use mass media to control us. Well, yeah. Better than World War II, I guess.


matrixmann June 29 2018, 23:46:14 UTC
Ah, I think it's better if one understands the language.
Or, at least, if you're a little familiar with German life circumstances, German everything.

It's about the downfall of music television here.


onb2017 June 30 2018, 14:16:06 UTC
I think it is a world trend though. And art in general. I noticed nowadays artists release new songs featuring someone which is such BS. It is done to attract fans from both sides and catering to both crowds and thus they lose originality and soul. It is just some commercial garbage.


matrixmann June 30 2018, 19:48:50 UTC
I'd agree with that in that way that this decade is not really a good decade in arts. Everything is like in a state of... immobility. Mainly the stuff you get to hear about, but that zeitgeist even seeps through to all other more underground musical directions which are somewhat exempt from the big commerce. It only manages to compensate for it better due to functioning differently and being subject to different rules ( ... )


onb2017 July 1 2018, 15:29:03 UTC
Probably, 90s were the end of it. But now like you said all genres were invaded with pop like weeds so it is really lost like anything you listen and they try to add that pop thing that probably sells it better but in reality makes everything trashy.


matrixmann July 1 2018, 16:54:05 UTC
The time my brain knows of... It was more that way around: Somebody had a little bit of features for something mainstream-suitable - and by that, people who paid mostly attention to the mainstream also got to like them, at least to know them ( ... )


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