VIVA macht zum Jahresende 2018 zu

Jun 29, 2018 23:32

...Den aufmerksamen Beobachter wundert es, dass es eigentlich noch so lange gedauert hat ( Read more... )

deutsch, television, entertainment, ereignis, music, networks, media, trash, devil in disguise, system

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matrixmann June 30 2018, 19:48:50 UTC
I'd agree with that in that way that this decade is not really a good decade in arts. Everything is like in a state of... immobility. Mainly the stuff you get to hear about, but that zeitgeist even seeps through to all other more underground musical directions which are somewhat exempt from the big commerce. It only manages to compensate for it better due to functioning differently and being subject to different rules.

I don't know how you feel about it the stuff in music I already told you about...
The phenomenon in there is the same as now - something that is currently "hip" manages to seep through into all other directions and styles too.
But, for the time episode that my talks are subject to - it's a thing, you can pick whatever you want, mainly you can say it was a good episode for music and arts. Everyone who was active in them still had its little bit of difference in it, its little bit of own perspective and taking on a task a bit differently.
And this can be found all across the field, creating good stuff, even if it's your prefered style or not.
Some variations of styles in all of this also can't be found earlier or later in music - so to say, some things were purely phenomena of their time. Although not bad in quality. Just "different", in terms of these days.
So that's why you can say it was a good episode in arts, music and movies. The whole 90s and the early millennium years were a good time episode in this.
You can recognize this if you take a look at stuff from that time and you still can't help saying "this is timeless, you can still go and listen to it way many years after it was created without trouble finding a connection to it".
Some contents and general mood of the time also didn't lose their reasons why they were there in the meantime...


onb2017 July 1 2018, 15:29:03 UTC
Probably, 90s were the end of it. But now like you said all genres were invaded with pop like weeds so it is really lost like anything you listen and they try to add that pop thing that probably sells it better but in reality makes everything trashy.


matrixmann July 1 2018, 16:54:05 UTC
The time my brain knows of... It was more that way around: Somebody had a little bit of features for something mainstream-suitable - and by that, people who paid mostly attention to the mainstream also got to like them, at least to know them.
Pop Music, bad and worse, existed back then too. Just think about "Jenny from the block" or something like that... That definitely was pop music. And just the same kind of "listen - immediately forget"-kind of stuff.
Maybe sometimes, admittedly, there was something in there with the talent of being iconic, getting stuck in your head (little famous example "Can't get you out of my head" from Ms. Minogue).

They say, during this time episode, the copyright-holding music firms very, very much shy away from risk. Literally, they wanna earn as much money with doing nothing. So they put the same meal upon the table in front of you over and over again in little variations.
This process isn't exactly new, they did that at all times if one concept worked and literally shot through the roof.
Only you can say... 90s and early post-millennium years were "craziness is the deal, chaos gets you most the money, so let chaos be!". If they let their artists be as chaotic as they wanted to be, it generated the bucks all by themselves. The best they did in letting the artists do whatever they liked as long as they put them deadlines where they had to deliver their stuff.
Admittedly, during that time it was way more possible to achieve more with less in means. You could come up with less means sacrificed for the effort and still do something great.
The amateur-style was popular, you can say, which now isn't anymore. That creates big gaps between who already is popular and who still wants to become...
Amateur now is more like regarded as either trashy or "unprofessional". Although I think it doesn't need to.
Simplicity also is something which you can achieve a lot with while all other people exactly try to be everything else than simple and decent.

What did I want to say...? Ah, well...
Things have become so controlled behind the scenes that even the artists can't cover that up anymore.
You can try to control young artists and push them into a concept which they can fulfill easily at the that time (because they personally are like that at that age), but you can make them do that all the time and that's when things go wrong because they reveal to be unauthentic. Big promotion campaigns don't sell anything alone, if the product advertised is something the audience doesn't find to be actually good.
35-year-olds can't behave anymore like they're just 18. This is how the way is... Unless it really fits the character.

Part that I regard problematic in this also is something from the side of the artists: While crazy on their first, second and maybe third album, after that they become average because they thought of like needing to sound "adult". I don't understand this. You can still be crazy and deal with adult topics. It's not like this doesn't fit together. You just have to figure a way out how to combine it the right way! Craziness also sometimes is like your unique fingerprint - if you give it up, the audience doesn't show up.


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