(( OOC ))

Oct 14, 2008 14:04

(( Stolen from yellowembers:

1. What does your character’s living room look like? (If they don’t have a stable home, describe an inn room that he or she has rented steadily.)
2. Does your character have any pets?
3. Does your character collect anything? Is that collection of any value to anyone other than them?
4. Does he or she have any “side” jobs or professions, other than their class and/or talent professions?
5. What would you find in his or her sofa cushions?

(Halfway through my grammar decided to wander off. APOLOGIES GEEZ.)

1. The home that Matojo shares with Darda is pretty simple - though the contents are steadily dwindling as he shoves his own things into boxes. There's a checklist of various locations and tasks nailed to a wall in the kitchen area of the Mag'har-style dwelling (centered around getting the hell outta Nagrand) with "feed the cat" repeatedly underlined and even written in red. Dirt floor, a wooden table on each side of the room, a stewpot and some chairs and stools scattered about make up the living room/kitchen. There's storage in the back of the home - a few scattered boxes rest there.
2. Any animals - as a hunter's bound to have several - tend toward staying outside, though the Warp Chaser often ambles in uninvited. A cat does roam the house - a shaggy little black creature - and eats from a red bowl labeled "CAT". To those in the know: the black cat is not the original little beastie that did live here. A small black owl occasionally descends from the rafters to perch on a table or dive-bomb any uninvited guests.
3. Matojo tends toward collecting guns, which are currently packed away until the move to the next location where they will be displayed upon the wall for all - especially future boyfriends or girlfriends of various children - to see.
4. He's a jeweler, which is evident by the messy workspace that he keeps in the upstairs bedroom. The table is covered in various bits of metal, uncut gems, parts and tools. In a slightly neater pile on the same desk are writing utensils, an inkwell and several in-progress or blank books - that's right. Matojo writes smut on the side.
5. If he had any cushions: Not much, save for coins or notes to himself. Despite his notoriously bad memory and gruff exterior, Matojo makes every attempt at keeping a relatively neat living space. He hates being dirty, though the state in which he returns home (at times) may make it seem otherwise.

All of the above is subject to change as Darda wanders in and re-arranges things or does her thing. Mat just occasionally likes to take over and change things back.

1. Tuhina's room in Orgrimmar possesses a simple round bed with covers of various shades of blue - neatly made - and a vanity with many drawers set within. Said vanity's mirror is relatively large and ornate - the whole thing looks to be very old - and its surface has a few antique jewelry boxes and glass perfume bottles across it. A single bedside table is topped with a lantern, within flickers an arcane flame.

Adelrich's apartment is lazily put together. The only overly neat section is the balcony that overlooks the Bazaar; inside the flat (which has room enough for one young man) rests a luxurious-looking sofa, a single bookcase and a table. The kitchen is similarly simple, while the office is an absolute mess. Across the desk are various papers, books, writing utensils and the occasional coffee cup in varying states of fullness.
2. Tuhina has an orange tabby, but Adelrich doesn't have any pets.
3. Tuhina collects books - most of which are currently in storage - and her brother collects dust. Okay, a bit of a lie, that's just the way his living space makes it seem.
4. Tuhina is an Enchanter - she imbues weapons and armour with magical properties to improve the wearer's physical condition or combat prowess. The crystals and enchanted rods that often litter her bedside table (as well as the full bags of dusts and other related items) are the only evidence of this. Tuhina has a drawer full of engineering supplies in her vanity as well. Adelrich is a secretary, plain and simple. ("Professional Coffee-taster, thank you.")
5. Tuhina's cushions would hide biscuit crumbs, Arcane dust and the occasional singe mark. Adelrich's would be coffee stained (attempts to hide said stains would be pathetic, at best) and there would be a pencil or two lost beneath them.

1. Akombe is currently staying with Juni in her guest room, so there's really nothing of note in there as he spends very little time in the room. Kombe has a room set up on the Scryer's tier with two beds, a desk and a small bookcase. The desk has a couple of books set up there - one of which is Kombe's journal - and a few trinkets from Sen'jin village. It's all set up very, very simply.
2. Akombe doesn't have any pets, though he does help Kombe take care of his Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling. The little creature tends toward sleeping on Kombe's pillows.
3. Neither man collects anything - Akombe can never remember what things are, and Kombe doesn't like clinging to the past. There are some exceptions, so see #4 for that.
4. Kombe keeps all sorts of plant samples, 'cause herbalism is a hobby of his, in jars on some shelves over his desk. Akombe doesn't exactly have any other sort of professions other than "warrior", though as he taps into his shamanistic nature he'll better be able to work at that.
5. Under Kombe's cushions: Dirty picture books, probably stolen from Matojo when the kid thought that guy was his dad.
Under Akombe's cushions: Shiny objects that he'd squirrel away 'cause they're pretty.

1. This fellow is a bit of a neat freak. His Silvermoon residence is the typical one-bedroom (with oversized bed) apartment - the bookcases are full of Tuhina's books, as it used to be her flat - and is kept unusually neat and tidy. The living room table has a few books stacked upon it on various topics concerning shadow magic and the nature of Samedi - one of which he's writing himself.
2. Masamba can barely keep a plant alive, don't expect him to be able to nurture an animal.
3. He ain't the type to collect stuff.
4. 'Samba's an Alchemist and has all of his herbs and even his concoctions sorted by name and purpose in his "office" of sorts, in a wooden cabinet.
5. Those cushions would be the cleanest damned cushions you ever laid your eyes on.

1. (Aldor Rise) Lesse: the kitchen? There's always something cooking, even when she's not home (seven-year-old Koru wandering around with oven mitts on his feet and an apron over his head is NOT an unusual sight), and things are passably tidy. We don't wander into the bedroom because, well, YOU JUST DON'T, and Koru's sleep space is on the floor on the far end of the living room - it's the pile of blankets and pillows that he uses as a fort. Visitors must beware of the toys that are scattered across the floor. Dekarn has his own workspace - again, we don't wander in there.
2. Talash keeps a couple of cats - one of them is Koru's, it's orange and tends to have a permanent look of TERROR on its face - and occasionally has her father's Warp Chaser, Grin, over (when Matojo happens to be there, anyway). Her man is a hunter, so his pet(s) may be about at any time.
3. She collects clothes, like any self-respecting woman (minus the player), along with weapons - again, as any self-respecting rogue would.
4. A leatherworker by trade and a cook, Talash is often working from home. She takes occasional trips back to Azeroth in order to sell her wares.
5. Whatever's underneath any cushions in Talash's home would really depend upon where Koru happened to toss them that day.

1. Kez and Nehl share a room on the Aldor Rise which is split between:
a) Kez's side of the room has a table with all sorts of engineering gadgets littering it and a (lovingly crafted) boomstick mounted on the wall above. The covers on her bed are green, and a Lovely Black Dress hangs from a hook on the wall next to it.
b) Nehl's side of the room is considerably darker, decorated with skulls - a top hat rests on a hook beside her bed (its covers are black and gray). The table on this side has spools of thread and bolts of cloth neatly arranged over it.
2. Neither woman keeps a pet because they wind up disappearing.
3. Kez tends to collect shiny stones and gadgets while her older counterpart has a collection of bones, skulls and other tools for her work as a priestess of Samedi (much of it not even necessary).
4. The warrior is an engineer, the priestess is a tailor. Often, Kez is used to test some of Nehl's patterns.
5. Little bones, chips of rock, a misplaced needle and various lengths of string.

1. Ojore's room in Silvermoon is completely taken over by his engineering work - parts, half-completed projects and schematics litter everywhere but the bed, which is never made. He pretty much just flops over there, armour and all, unless Lyra happens to be in.
2. A small "lucky" dragon has taken to hanging around Ojore's room, though it does follow him into the world on occasion (much to his irritation).
3. Nada.
4. This fellow is an engineer.
5. Questionable substances due to questionable activities, cake crumbs, bolts and screws.

I started to blank out on Ojo's, so that's it. ))

ooc fun, ooc

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