(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 10:10

So, Lapu contacted me yesterday about becoming an officer.

Oh ho hooo that's hilarious. I decided to at least hear the guy out, because it would be pretty fuckin' stupid of me not to. Anyway. So.

First off, I gotta get some sorta setup where I hear people as they're comin' in, I mean, I shoulda noticed the fuckin' hooves, but other than that folk can sneak up on me when I'm workin' in the barracks pretty easy. Fella is at least smart enough to know what I mean when I tell him what he didn't see.

He told me he'd been real close to becoming an officer in his last posting, seemed to think he has what it takes. Almost convinced me, too. Almost. But, see, I don't work that way. His first mistake was approaching me about becoming an officer.

That's how I know a fella ain't ready. The moment he gets it in his head that he deserves something, regardless of what he's doing or not doing? Yeah, no.

I told him that, to even be considered, he's gotta clean up his act a bit - although I agree with him on the one elf - and stop being an asshole to the elves. When you're leading folk you gotta, you know, lead and be capable of earning respect - that ain't the case here. I honestly don't remember whatever shit he may have pulled (Talash told me he basically had a hissy fit and left the first time 'cause he felt nobody was listening, though the girl's known to be needlessly harsh sometimes*) but that still doesn't override my "uh no" sense here.

That, and I hardly ever hear from the guy. He's gotta pull his weight, maybe run some training or something, folk have to listen to him without me telling them to and he's got to earn their respect before I can be convinced that he's good officer material.

Right now, there's only a couple people I'd even consider - and if Rid doesn't get off his ass and do somethin' about the one guy, I'm takin' it into my own hands and pullin' this shit myself. If I'm gonna ever be able to consider retirement I need this guy to be there to help me whip everybody into shape. I mean ... I can't do this forever.

There's a nice crack in my glasses now from when I tried to get 'em outta sight when Lapu showed up. Hope I've got some money left over to replace 'em - reading and writing without them is tough, my one eye ain't been good since I got the shit kicked outta me a year or so ago, and now the other eye's startin' to get bad, too. I swear, if I've gotta do this tracker shit in fucking glasses in another couple months I'm going to flip.

old man rants, harbies, matojo:orcish, matojo

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