Phone Company

Feb 13, 2008 08:24

I got home from work last night to discover that my telephone and DSL line was down.  Since my telephone was down I couldn't dial 611 to enter a repair ticket and my internet was down, so I couldn't look up the repair number online.  I called my mom and she went online trying to find me the number.  She asked why didn't I check my telephobne book, but you see, since I look up everything online it didn't make sense to keep a big book just to gather dust.  Anyway, back to the phone saga, she finally found a number for me to call.  I called it.  They said to enter a repair ticket or to talk to customer service you should call another number.  I called that number.  Wouldn't you know that I get a "this number has been disconnected, please call this number..."  I called the new number.  I go through their many prompts and finally get to "Enter a repair call".  I pressed that button and was told to call yet another number.   I finally get through on the repair line.  The automated system begins the prompts again.

Automated system: "Please enter your telephone number"
Me: I dial in my phone number
AS:  You entered blah, blah, blah, is this correct?
Me: Yes
AS:  What is your problem?  No dial tone?
Me: Yes
AS: Is this on all phones?
Me: Yes
AS:  Are you calling from that line now?
Me: Ah, no, as I have no dial tone you idiot
AS:  What is a number that we can reach you at?
Me: I enter my cell phone
AS: We are now testing the line
AS: A repair ticket has been entered and the problem will be resolved by Thursday at 6:30
AS: Thank you and have a good day 

I can live without have a telephone, as I have my cell, but it stunk not having the Internet.  I can't check my e-mail, I can't upload songs to iTunes, as iTunes has no idea what the CD is, so it is not work uploading Track1, Track2, etc.  I am hoping that they will have this fixed soon. 
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