Thee Holler

Feb 20, 2011 23:05

In West Virginia, people settled in valleys because there is almost always a river of some sort there. Small valleys are called "hollows". However, in WV, things that end with "ow" get pronounced "er". So, hollow = holler, minnow = minner (different than miner!), yellow = yeller and so forth.

When elcca visited in December, we all got to talking about what we'd really like to have at some point... our own holler. Spiritually, the community would embody the principles we feel as a Household are important. Physically, the community would be as self-sufficient as possible.

The purpose would be one of service; a holistic lifestyle where we would share and teach what we know. A working farm, a wellness center and an Interfaith place of worship all holding workshops and offering retreats.

It would be called "Thee Hollow" in reference to the "Thee" stage of spiritual development; the service stage that brings true happiness.

This will happen. We know it will.

spirituality, ms

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