There are no coincidences - mental health and self care

Feb 06, 2011 19:08

elliot has successfully weaned itself off of add and bipolar medications, replacing them with herbal tinctures, all of which it made itself. it is using Passionflower, Valerian Root and St. John's Wort... the passionflower was wild harvested in Aug and Sept so that tincture is made completely from scratch!

Both of Us see a holistic psychiatrist who is also an MD. OK, technically, elliot hasn't seen him yet, but it will in a few weeks. We're both sensitive and observant about ourselves and each other, so the situation is well monitored.

We've been taking all the above as well and will be working to come off Our own meds soon. Just to be able to type that is a huge step from where We were when We moved. That We say it with excitement and no fear is even more amazing. Watching elliot through its process has been an extremely good thing for Us.

The cool thing about all this? All three of those herbs grow in the wild here. There is no mistake that this is one of the reasons Spirit sent us BOTH to WV!

mental health, spirituality

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