Title: Devil of the Sand Seas (a Krogan story-song) Giftee: gr33n Prompt: A Krogan campfire tale Notes: The more I thought about the Krogan culture and what a tale of theirs would be like, the more I decided that they didn't write stories to past down to their kin, but instead had an oral tradition of songs and chants that they sang around the campfire
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Chapter 5 of my femShep/Thane fanfic "The Phenomenology of Shepard" is now live! This story is a somewhat cerebral take on the themes of memory and death as they figure in to their relationship.
Title: "Hammer Fall". A visit to Tuchanka. This instalment is a lot of action, as we see femShep and Thane on Grunt's loyalty mission.
post contains: mShep/Joker, Steve, Joker, James, EDI, Grunt, Kai Leng, Javik, Ken, Shep/Steve, chibi Reapers, & fShep/Kaidan. SPOILER WARNING: contains squadmate spoilers(? are they still spoilers?)