(no subject)

Apr 07, 2012 22:31

continued adventures in doodlespam!

post contains: mShep/Joker, Steve, Joker, James, EDI, Grunt, Kai Leng, Javik, Ken, Shep/Steve, chibi Reapers, & fShep/Kaidan.
SPOILER WARNING: contains squadmate spoilers(? are they still spoilers?)

adventures in snuggles and questionable perspective and anatomy with Billy and Joker. yay snuggles~

continued adventures in snuggles and questionable perspective and anatomy with Billy and Joker, now with massage time and shirtlessness. also, me remembering Billy’s scars! yay remembering Billy’s scars~

a tiny!Steve eating Peeps. yay Peeps~

meant to go to bed early, wound up drawing this instead. tiny sleepytimes with tiny randomly group-handholding Joker, James, Steve, and Roark Shepard. yay~ idk

and now a sort of spiritual successor to both tiny!James vs. less-tiny marshmallow and the tiny!Steve eating Peeps doodle, and the seemingly inevitable aftermath. poor tiny!Vega.

in which Grunt and EDI hunt for Easter eggs because idk I thought it’d be cute. (p.s. does EDI’s ME3 appearance still count as a spoiler? idk) also hi happy Easter I guess! I should've stocked up on Peeps, aaaaah

...idk :D has also now joined the ranks of my pics that have wound up on Ask James & Steve cx (which is an awesome & adorable tumblr and I recommend it highly :D)

Steve casuals (w/ bonus(?) Shep jacket-wearin’ in the cold weather one ‘cause yes) because idk [/draws clothes forever] could probably use an accessory or something in the short-sleeved one but couldn’t decide what. :|a weh, oh well. wheee~

tinyssassin + cereal

tiny!Javik. grump grump …should probably try drawing him facing a different direction and not with his arms crossed at some point. eeeehhhhh

a mildly depressing Ken chibi because I got half the crew killed in ME2 in Roark’s playthrough, so now Ken is quiet and sad and serious in ME3 and it’s… quiet and sad and serious. welp.

I spent way too long on this for the rather simple end result, haha. oh well. *needs to learn to draw faster* (also part of that drawing time was being indecisive and drawing different variations of Steve’s outfit. still need to learn to draw faster, though.)

anyway, Roark/Steve in casual clothes, yaaaay~




beach time for Roark & Steve. …idk I wanted to draw dudes in swimsuits and hoodies.

why do I have the worst problems trying to draw Bartlett/Kaidan idek anyway more swimsuits!

and as usual given my typical failure to reply, thank you again in advance to any who view and/or comment this post! c: and thank you again for the comments last time. ♥♥♥ and also my pre-emptive apologies for likely not replying, and apologies for not replying to everyone last time. again. ;;; I'm sorry! D: I try but then I usually wind up flailing around uselessly and/or staring blankly at the comment/reply box because I have no idea how to words I'm sorry D:D:D:

female shepard, maleshep/joker, james vega, femshep/kaidan, kaidan alenko, edi, male shepard, kai leng, joker, javik, fan art, grunt, steve cortez

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