Prison Break and Cast Squee Post

Jun 01, 2014 23:19

I am probably going to be spamming you all with Prison Break stuff for the next little bit, because I am at that stage of joining a fandom where EVERYTHING IS GOOD AND NOTHING HURTS AND I FUCKING MARATHONED ALL THIRTEEN EPISODES OF SEASON THREE IN A DAY.

There will be spoilers for up to 3.13 of Prison Break below the cut.

Cut for shipping talk. Michael/Lincoln are my OTP for many reasons. But also Michael/Mahone because LOOK AT THIS FUCKING WALL!PORN WITH A SIDE OF KNIFE!PORN:

I am all about the UST, and I'm also a fan of characters who are smart and play mindgames with each other, and these two are a perfect example of that. Michael and Mahone's obsession with besting each other in S2 was like the BEST kind of rivalry-slash-foreplay. Then in S3 the UST went through the freaking roof. I feel like I should feel vaguely bad for perving on someone with as large an age difference as there is between me and William Fichtner but ngggggh. He's just perfect for Mahone, straddling the line between moral and amoral, and going from strung-out addict in withdrawal to badass GQMF in a heartbeat. And then when he goes all loose-limbed when he's high, but still lethal as evidenced by the screencap above... nnggghh. Convenient that Mahone's withdrawal symptoms simply stopped when they were ready to escape though.

Sadly, I don't think a Michael/Lincoln/Mahone OT3 would work because I think Lincoln and Mahone would kill each other if left in the same room for too long. Michael/Lincoln/Kellerman though? HELL TO THE YES. While I thought Kellerman as a character was a bit too convenient and plot-device-y, I love the way that Paul Adelstein played him.

Another actor who makes a character who could've been "eh" into YESSSSS for me is Jodi Lyn O'Keefe as Gretchen. She has so much chemistry that I ship her with EVERYBODY. I would even read about her and Sucre, who I wouldn't normally ship with anyone except Maricruz because he is so obviously besotted with her. Well, everyone except LJ I guess. That scene was seriously creepy. But Jodi as Gretchen reminds me of Fiona O'Shaughnessy as Jessica Hyde in Utopia. They both play the characters with an undercurrent of crazy, where you can feel that they're always just one wrong move away from snapping. Absolutely brilliant.

Cut for cast and RPF talk. So I was browsing through YouTube for interviews and IMDB to look up other projects that the actors have been in, as you do with a new TV fandom. Marshall Allman is 30 now, which blows my mind a little, because I'm watching him from 5 years ago playing a 16 year old. And apparently he was married back then too? Little LJ? This guy? Mind = blown.

Also, he's done pretty good for himself! And he was in a short film about two brothers in an incestual relationship that I am going to have to hunt down and watch. For reasons.

Wentworth Miller and Amaury Nolasco are absolutely adorable together and I would totally ship them if there was any sort of an RPF fandom for this show. I've only seen a few Wentworth/Dominic fics, which doesn't seem to work for me. I just get more of a (platonic) brotherly vibe between the two. But I've seen interviews where they joke and imply Michael/Lincoln in a slashy incestual way, and Sarah Wayne Callies bringing up Sara/Lincoln and genderswap and (M?)preg and just. Yes. This cast is awesome (side note: I'm shipping Sara/Lincoln and Sara/Lincoln/Michael like woah but am only meh about Sara/Michael).

It's such a shame the fandom was so small (relatively speaking, for such a large show), and died out so quickly. I guess you can never really tell which canon is going to create a large fandom. Leaving aside sci-fi/fantasy and genre shows for a minute, I know that there are non-genre shows with large and active fandoms. Prison Break has a major (canon) het ship, tons of slash potential, family drama, unhealthily dependent sibling relationships, and it's (at times) also a very smart show. I have thoughts that I might put into a future meta post about the recurring themes of family, familial love versus obligation, addiction, and morality that's carried across the various character arcs. Because while the show at times fails with the conspiracy plot because of too many "convenient" timings and double-triple-etc-crossing, I find it to be a really good character show.

One non-Prison Break related thing I've been squeeing about lately: Takénobu's modern cello music:

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fandom: prison break, music

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