Seven Days of Creation Meme 1/7

Jun 01, 2014 22:56

Stolen from blythechild.

Day 1. Discuss something old
Day 2. Discuss something new
Day 3. Discuss something made for someone else
Day 4. Discuss something made just for yourself
Day 5. Discuss something for a large fandom/pairing/character
Day 6. Discuss something for a small fandom/pairing/character
Day 7. Discuss something you're just really proud of

Something old. here is the very first graphics post I made, way back in 2008. I CRINGE at the overuse of textures, blurry base images, unreadable fonts, and oh yeah: texturestexturesTEXTURES. I'll admit I still have a tendency to go overboard when it comes to textures (or go the complete opposite and go stark minimalism), but I'd say I'm much better at using textures for the right reasons now. But geez does that post bring up memories. Not just about the old fandoms (which, for some of them, will be my forever fandoms), but also about all that's changed in my fandom experience.

I've been drawing fanart for ages, starting by tracing Pokémon and Link from Nintendo guidebooks. But my start in participating in online fandom came from icontests and icon table challenges. There used to be SO MANY of them back then! I started there because making little 100x100px art pieces sounded easy enough, although I found it was a lot harder than I expected. It was fun though, and I got hooked on the sense of community that it gave me.

As I learned more about Photoshop and got better at making icons, I finally got the guts to sign up for a big fannish challenge, which was spn_j2_bigbang, and the rest was history!

fandom, meme

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