More LJ News, Seven Days of Creation Meme 2/7

Jun 02, 2014 15:26

LiveJournal is looking for feedback on how people use LiveJournal. I'm still doubtful that anything will come of this and their recent attempts to reach out to existing users, but I'm hesitantly optimistic. It's not like they can get any worse. One of the questions they asked (although you don't have to answer the questions, you can respond however you want) was "In your opinion, what do we have that other places don't?". Part of my answer:
. . . unlike sites like tumblr, LJ keeps my journal as my own space. To make an analogy, it's like having a conversation with your friends in a public area. On LJ, while I recognize that anyone passing by could hear what I was saying, I feel relatively secure that me and my friends could talk undisturbed. Compared to what seems to be the trend on newer social media sites, where I feel that, the simple act of having a conversation in public invites discussion from any and all passersby.

Obviously, my LJ experience is not everyone's, and I can see why some people would prefer the second scenario (for example, activism, advertising, promotion). But I think that there are plenty of other sites that are already good at that (see: tumblr). However, I think the LJ/DW model is unique in that it allows people to have their "own" space, but also gives people the ability to connect to others through communities. I've tried WordPress and gotten frustrated at how empty it felt, despite probably having more active users than LJ, because it was hard to connect with other people. I might not want to follow someone's blog right away, or allow them access to mine if I have private/locked posts. LJ communities give people a truly public-public place to interact and get to know each other that I think is missing from a lot of newer sites.

Seven Days of Creation Meme 2/7
Day 1. Discuss something old
Day 2. Discuss something new
Day 3. Discuss something made for someone else
Day 4. Discuss something made just for yourself
Day 5. Discuss something for a large fandom/pairing/character
Day 6. Discuss something for a small fandom/pairing/character
Day 7. Discuss something you're just really proud of

Not a whole lot to say today. I haven't been doing a lot of art lately, both for RL reasons and growing frustrations with the SPN show, fandom, cast, and crew. The newest thing I've done would be Love In Technicolor for spn_reversebang, with accompanying fic by golden-cyborg. I like what I've done with it, although the story has so much world-building and potential that I wish I could've done more.

Upcoming things include 2 J2 pieces for spn_j2_bigbang, and I've signed up for the samdean-otp minibang. I'm working on some more SPN t-shirt designs and I eventually plan to start a Spreadshirt shop, and expect to see Prison Break fanart in the near future!

livejournal, meme

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