Doctor Who 5.09 and Amy Pond picspam

May 30, 2010 15:43

Doctor Who 5.09 spoilers! My favourite characters always get killed off first. I was all set up for an Amy/Rory happily ever after, and now this! I hope that there will be more to this, because Rory deserves so much better than to be forgotten :(

And I am sort of in love with the way that Amy loves Rory.

My first picspam! And it's about Amy Pond!

Click for full-size images.

5.01 The Eleventh Hour

5.02 The Beast Below

5.03 Victory of the Daleks

5.04 Time of the Angels
So Amy's not really the focus in this one, but I love her expression here!

5.04 Time of the Angels
This episode gets 3 because Amy looked so very pretty and I couldn't decide on just one.

5.04 Time of the Angels

5.05 Flesh and Stone

5.06 Vampires of Venice
Don't they look adorable together?

5.07 Amy's Choice

5.08 The Hungry Earth
Group shot for this one because there's not a lot of Amy in this episode.

5.09 Cold Blood
Amy just about broke my heart at this scene D:

All screencaps are from Sonic Biro.

This entry was orginally posted at Dreamwidth.

picspam, fandom: doctor who, character: amy pond

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