Silly little things

May 21, 2010 10:25

Eeeek! I've forgotten how busy it gets when you're in school. The first week was fine, but second week comes, and you have to hit the ground running. It's all quizzes! Essays! Lab reports! (and I am such a geek because now I want to personify the elements of the periodic table. Like Hetalia, but with chemistry XD)

On the plus side, school means more little sketches and ficbits! But that means less actual art things.

1 little cartoon of SGA-1. With Ford this time, because I saw Rising the other day and I miss him :(

More silly things

Is anyone familiar with the llamas that were going around deviantART a while ago? Well QueenOfDorks made some acrylic charms for sale, and I got one! It's an albino llama XD

Those John and Rodney charms I have? Rodney's going bald D: But it amuses me that John still has all his hair lol

I will have to re-paint over his hair and re-glaze.

Talk of Doctor Who, SPN season finale, and Glee (yes I watched Glee).

Doctor Who 5.07 was the first one of the season that kind of disappointed me. Not that it was horrible, but I guess I was just expecting more from it. The preview made it seem a lot more awesome than it was I suppose.

And I just realized that we're already halfway through the season This makes me sad :(

I think I just don't get SPN anymore. I mean I watch it but it just seems like such a different show now. I thought the finale was ok but I didn't like the way they presented it, with Chuck narrating. Although Dean/Lisa + Ben is so adorable. Oh Dean! I do wonder how they're going to pick it up next season though. I mean if it weren't for the shots of Sam and Chuck at the end, it seems pretty wrapped up to me. I hope they're not still going to be looking for God.

I watched Glee for Neil Patrick Harris. I can definitely see the appeal of the show now. It's really cheesy and over-the-top, but like it's meant to be that way (at least I hope so lol). And it's fun. Probably won't be watching it on a regular basis, but yeah. Fun show.

This entry was orginally posted at Dreamwidth.

art: digital painting, characters: sga-1, fandom: stargate atlantis

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