One-shot (recommendation) list

Aug 20, 2014 18:00

My one-shot recommendation list. It's partially for me so that I won't forget all the fics that I read (even though I saved most of them on my computer). I'll update this list with new ones as I read them.
Most of them are Akame fanfics (and most of them are NC-17 I think) but there are also some other pairings appearing (like small PiKame or HayaRyu for instance).
List goes more or less alphabetically.

Last edited: 2015-02-03

10 Points Mark by mazauric (KoKame)

1582 by mazauric

1582 Seconds by prologuesized

24 Hours by mazauric

A Cabin in the Woods by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

A Different Ending by rikachi

A Sentimental Mind by prologuesized

A Smooth Criminal by nhijumma @ bentoboxbride

A trail of kisses... by norilys @ je_holiday

A twisted kind of candy with chocolate by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

A Word Away by nightinbird @ ppt_pirates

Across a Bridge of Magpies by maayacola

Acts of Faith bymaayacola

Affectionate by prologuesized

After the Sun Burns Down by kaminikaku @ kizuna_exchange

All for my sweetheart by kawaiikame

All Those Places I Got Found by lunacrescent

Alternative Methods by maayacola and elanielyn

Always have, always will by blinkbling24

An Otaku For You by wonotice and its sequels 2 and 3 and Cosplay Drabbles

and life goes on (let me warm your numb hands) by randomicicle @ kizuna_exchange

Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust and who shall have the last laugh? by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

Atsumori by jamie_spotty and queen_kat_tun @ drop_the_spot

Aureolin Fields of Solace by prologuesized

Baby Got Back by soundczech

Baby, I'll change your everything by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

Behind the Music by soundczech

Between me and you by butterflyblueye

Between the spaces by siliconeduckies @ pt_pirates

Black Heart Inertia by mazauric

Blue Star by prologuesized

Butterfly by prologuesized

Body Talk (drabble) by queen_kat_tun @ pea_blossom

Boys Do Fall in Love by ashi_ga_demasu

Bubblegum Fish by ashi_ga_demasu

camera lucida by shontos_garden @ kizuna_exchange

Canvas by prologuesized

Care by mazauric

Castaways by mazauric and rikachi @ white_ivy

Caution is for Fools by norilys

Cherries and Chocolate Curls by lucentliz @ ficwars

Child Stars by soundczech

Circussy by prologuesized

Close Encounters with Mars by frameofmind6

Closer by ashi_ga_demasu

Company by frameofmind6

Customer Service by notaverse and its sequels:
Surprises In Store
Mixed Messages
Exchange Student

Cyber Love by mazauric and rikachi

Dented by natsukashi_yume @ kizuna_exchange

Diamonds and Grass Stains by nimlothemeli

Distantia inter Lucem et Tenebras by norilys

Don't You Ever Stop (Sparkling) by astrangestorm (AKAME TWILIGHT PARODY!!! had to add it)
The V-Motion: New Moon
Real Face-Off: Eclipse

Dream Boy by maayacola

Dream Boy™ by queen_kat_tun @ pea_blossom

Dreaming by mazauric

Easier Said Than Done by paintasmile and taeminnie @ kizuna_exchange

Engrossing Movements by prologuesized

Erotibot by yuuki_saya @ karashin_team

Est, Est, Est by katmillia @ kizuna_exchange

Eternally Yours by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

Falling Is Like This by bellemelody @ je_holiday

Falling Stars by kaminikaku @ ppt_pirates

Fashion and Bullets by aishayue @ kizuna_exchange

Five Minutes by prologuesized

FORCE OF LIGHT: not a requiem, a song for the future by juniority @ kizuna_exchange

Grand Slam by b_akakame @ yokainingenanni

Habits by mazauric (sequel to Sayonara)

Hands Against the Glass by mazauric and rikachi @ white_ivy

Hem by prologuesized

Home Is Where the Heart Is by mazauric and rikachi @ white_ivy

House of Cards by sapphynashi @ kizuna_exchange

How to Hook Your Fish (and not kill a dolphin) by haikuesque

Hush by prologuesized

I'll Be Waiting by kattunberry @ kizuna_exchange

I’m trying not to tell you (but I want to) by misao_duo @ kizuna_exchange

I’m choosing another kind of your love by yuuki_saya @ karashin_team

I Believe You Liar by soundczech

If you want me to stay (I'll be okay) by singlehappiness and irrelephance @ kizuna_exchange

If You Were Gay by razberrycreme @ kizuna_exchange

In a twisted kind of way... by tsuchi8562 @ karashin_team

In Spite Of by randomicicle @ inkroulette

In the Ashes by mazauric

Irie by randomicicle @ kizuna_exchange

JAGEC 2014 by patrycja444d @ kusabi_fire_ice

JE Fleet I: Personal Space by notaverse

JE Fleet II: Attack of Nerves by notaverse

JE Fleet III: Photographic Memories by notaverse

JE Fleet IV: Past Flaws by notaverse

JE Fleet V: Universal Appeal by notaverse

Jindiana Jones and the Turtle's Spear by elanielyn @ kizuna_exchange

Kame v.5.2 prologuesized

Kidnapping Kame by ashi_ga_demasu

君君(Kimi, Kimi) by mazauric

Kintsugi (金継ぎ) by nimlothemeli

Kizuna by mazauric

Kizuna by flamesword @ pt_pirates

Kodou by karilly @ angel_pen

Last Page by haikuesque

Let the stars guide you back to me by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

Let Them Eat Cookies by nightinbird @ kizuna_exchange

Like Ships at Sea... by leen1707 @ kizuna_exchange

Limbo After You by turtle_aya @ ais_kacang

Long Way Down by brustreet @ kizuna_exchange

Love in this Club by xlolitsnozomix @ likealovestory

Man of Millions by mazauric (sequel to The Edge)

Map to Your Heart by karilly @ angel_pen

Marbellousy by prologuesized

Missing Hours by norilys

Mission Unnamed by paddyabroad @ kizuna_exchange

Misunderstanding You by karilly @ angel_pen

Morally Flexible by paddyabroad @ kizuna_exchange

Moving in Circles by aya_3003 @ pt_pirates

My Solemn Vow by isha_mabin

Netting a Turtle is a Virtual Affair by becroberts @ ficwars

Never Knew I Needed by karilly @ angel_pen

Nevermore by mazauric and rikachi @ white_ivy

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner by soundczech @ kizuna_exchange

Not even Ronaldinho could do it better by uchikins @ kizuna_exchange

Not the Good Kind by yumiko_okahawa @ green_feelings

Nothing and Everything by mazauric

Of scissors, hair clips and conditioning treatments by randomicicle @ inkroulette

Oh How I Hate You by wonotice

One After Another by mazauric

One moment in Time by renruki

One more time (for a simple twist of fate) by tatoeba @ je_holiday

One Petal by yumiko_okahawa @ green_feelings

Orientation Week by jo_lasalle

Out of the Blue by iris_aya @ kizuna_exchange

Paint It Red by randomicicle @ inkroulette

Paparats by frameofmind6

Partners in Crime by bellemelody @ pt_pirates

Per Aspera ad Astra by wintersdancer @ kizuna_exchange

Perfect Moments by matchynishi @ ficwars

Personal Space by maayacola

Players by yuuki_saya @ karashin-team

Punch Drunk by frameofmind6

Puppy Love by norilys

Red thread of faith by uchikins @ kizuna_exchange

Rewrite by norilys (HayaRyu)

Reverie by chiseenpaw @ je_holiday

Reverse by jehanakame @ pt_pirates

Right Down The Line by shontos_garden @ kizuna_exchange

Right Under by prologuesized

Rolling in the Deep by ashi_ga_demasu

Rondo by frameofmind6 (HayaRyu)

Sayonara by mazauric

Schoolbreak by yuuki_saya @ karashin-team

Seachange by soundczech

Shank by korn_lotr_luver @ je_holiday

Shounen Tower by mazauric

Shuuji to Chikara by frameofmind6

Silent Love by biggy_chan

Sleep Aid by randomicicle @ inkroulette

Sleepwalking Romance by karilly @ angel_pen

Snow Globe by patrycja444d @ kkusabi_fire_ice

Something you just can't explain by nimlothemeli

Sorry you didn't make the cut by ayuzak @ kizuna_exchange

Soto Mawari by bluebirdsongs

Soul Trade by sapphynashi @ kizuna_exchange

Special Happiness by randomicicle @ inkroulette

Spoonfuls by prologuesized

Stargazer: A Sequel to Child Stars by soundczech

Starting Over by superhero0008

Stay by blinkbling24

Stealing Kazuya by ashi_ga_demasu

String of Fate by aroruae

Sunday Mornings by misao_duo @ kizuna_exchange

Sunshine by mazauric

Swear by maayacola

Switch-Hitting by bluebirdsongs

Taken Over by randomicicle @ inkroulette

Tied to Your Insanity by kame_chameleon

Time is but a notion by pinkynishi

The coast is always changing by misao_duo @ calreskuee

The Cob Prince by prologuesized

The Edge by mazauric

The Ghost Whisperer by prologuesized

The Kalooki Club by tokyopirates @ kizuna_exchange

The Perfect Mess by blinkbling24

The power of one word by 1aya1

The Price of Life by jin_only_one @ kizuna_exchange

The Rabbit Hole by happymaybe @ kizuna_exchange

The Red String by mazauric

The Road by silver_ryu @ hydrodynamics

The Sea of Trees by kame_chameleon (it has a multi-chaptered sequel "Boku E" that can my found on my ' multi-chapter list')

The Secretary (also commonly known as the honey-trap) by nimlothemeli

The Smell of Apple Pie by pinkynishi

The Sweet Taste of Defeat by karilly @ angel_pen

The Unexpected Reward by karilly @ angel_pen

The Queen of Pirates by mazauric

The Weeping Tree by indigoskai45

The Voice I Hear Inside My Head by vflmaeuschen

Through Brambles and Thorns by maayacola @ kizuna_exchange

Twin Connections by isha_mabin

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by pinkynishi

Two Friends, Two Weeks, Two Bets by tatoeba @ simplyephemeral

Unchanging Skies by green_feelings @ kizuna_exchange

Under the Cherry Trees by queen_kat_tun @ kizuna_exchange

Under the Mistletoe by pinkynishi

Unendlichkeit by mazauric

United by Fate by karilly @ angel_pen

Unspoken Words by misscircus

Until the Sun Burns Down by bellemelody @ kizuna_exchange

Woes of an English Teacher by wonotice

What Star Are You From? by marlenem

Who's your daddy? by jamie_spotty @ drop_the_spot

You've Got Mail by damagea @ jhottia

I'm still working on the list. If there are any errors, please let me know.
I not it's not that impressing but as I said - I'm still reading stuff. If you have any recommendations for me, you can leave them here or PM me.

I have most of them saved on my computer so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.

You can find my MULTI-CHAPTER LIST *here*

akame fanfiction, !recommendation list (one-shots)

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