Story or Series Title: To Become a Ranger
Fandom: Lord of the Rings [Dear Lord this fandom can't catch a break!]
Author's Name: Lyssa. S
Full name (plus titles if any): Alyssa Howald
Full Species(es): 10th walker!sue
Hair Color (Include adjectives): Not mentioned, but she's never stated as homely or bad looking either.
Eye Color: Not mentioned
Unusual Markings/Colorations: None
Special Possessions(if any): A shirt, knives
Annoying Origin:She is from our universe, and somehow, through being attacked by a cougar, is transported to Middle Earth.
If the ring counts as a character; sort of a protoge to Aragorn
Annoying Special Abilites: Can feel the evil from the Ring, is a really skilled with knives
Other annoying Traits: Existing.
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story: Alright, I know it says "small", so I'll try to mimimize the damage. If I can, anyway. Be warned that I used to like this back when I was an upstart in the writing community. Now all I can say is...Oh Hell no. This begins, as all strange 10th walker! stories seem to do: with the introduction of the 10th walker!sue and what may or may not be a tragic or "mysterious" background that will somehow come into play in shagging the sue's love interest.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Here is the ungodly thing...