Monday's update ...

Apr 30, 2007 15:38

Pay no attention the mood icon, move along, nothing to see ...

Just back from my doctor's appt .... my rotator cuff is injured ... am now on double doses of my arthritis meds ... must make appt for physical therapy ... oh joy.

Got some bad news, maybe not bad, but not happy news either ... not trying to be dramatic or anything ... just that ... you can not escape genetics sometimes. So now I officially have all my family's diseases ... asthma, hypertension, arthritis and now ... diabetes. I am depressed. No getting around it. Excuse me while I go off into a corner and be grumpy and sad for a bit. [....]

On the other hand, I came home to find Alberto leaving to buy the new fence having ripped out the old. So now for the first time and for a limited time, you can see my entire yard from the alley.

For those who have seen my yard, this is what is looks like w/o a fence

And here is a close up

And another showing my little private place which is normally hidden from prying eyes

And not to be outdone, here is where I discovered the handrails

sitting behind my sofa ... with the calico relaxing in the window well ...

[....] So yeah, I know it is not the end of the world .... but I need just a little more time to let it all sink in .... dammit ....

home, illness

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