Beltane Tuesday

May 01, 2007 15:26

I am more amused than anything today ...

... yes there are workmen making noise all over the place ... and yes my car had a flat tire on the way to the accountant ... and yes I may owe DC some money ... and yes my nemesis across the street went ape shit when one of my contractors parked in front of her house ... and yes I voted today in an overcrowded race with almost 20 candidates ... and yes I am still upset over my diagnosis ... but at some point I decided to call it quits for drama for today ... so I am just trying to find some humor in all of it at the moment .... cuz damn! I just need things to calm the fuck down already ...

So I am waiting for UPS (not the hunk, unfortunately) to deliver my magic bullet so I can make smoothies again. And then I am going to go upstairs and watch some Margaret Cho ... cuz I need a laugh dammit.

And bittercat, yes I would like to see your book on diabetes.

And bellamagic, yes I would like the info for the nutritionist.

And to all of you, thanks for your prayers ... and oh yeah,

Blessed Beltane Everyone!

health, neighbors, home

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