omigod ...

Apr 16, 2007 16:13

The murders at Va Tech are so numbing ... it reminds me of the murders in Canada at the engineering school. I am so hoping it wasn't directed primarily at women, although at this point with over 30 dead and another 30 injured it no longer matters what his motivation was -- it is still just so horrific to comprehend.

And all those students, teachers and staff hiding, afraid for their lives, all morning.

My heart goes out to them, as do my prayers.

And all the senseless killings, as if any killing could somehow make sense ... I dunno anymore ... and tomorrow the sun rises, the world turns and we awaken to another day of death and beauty.

The winds are blowing so hard and the chill feels so close ... may the souls of the fallen move gently across the waters, and may the tears shed in their memories nurture the roots of the the trees where the apples grow ... healer, healer heal their pain, in love may they return again ...


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