
Apr 16, 2007 12:38

The contractor, notice the singular spelling, arrived at around 11 am.

Of course I was up at frigging 7:30 am ... oh so okay I banged the snooze alarm twice , so it is more like 7:45. you get the point, geez ... to wait for them and he does not arrive till 11. Yay.

So now he is ripping out the entire first floor bathroom cuz the floor is rotted through and through. So I was right, someone *was* surely going to fall through the floor while using the toilet at some point. Yay.

The calico is completely spooked, she is sitting by my feet as I type. And oh yeah the door is open so I am also cold ... great. Did I mention how cold equals pain ... Yay.

whine, whine, whine, whine .... and oh yeah ... seer_eridanus is really really sick, people. He needs some serious prayers and healing mojo. I am sending him bunches and bunches, but hey send what you can. Okay back to the whining .... whine, whine, whine. . . etc.

The contractors who will begin jackhammering my walkway should arrive any minute now ... Yay.

Oh, and if you cannot read between the lines, "Yay." means "Oh my f@cking god, what on earth was I thinking? I must have been out of my f@cking mind. ..."

And oh yeah .... Yay.


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