Trash, it is all trash ... now

Apr 15, 2007 16:18

I am desperately trying to prepare my home for tomorrows onslaught of contractors. I just cleaned off half of my dresser and discovered just how many things were ruined by the hurricanes and the subsequent rains into my bedroom -- a lot. And most of it was memorabilia. Oh well ...

I am taking a short break, having filled a medium sized trash bag. I still have to finish clearing off the dresser and figuring out how to move a computer and about a hundred computer peripherals, CDs and books ... loads of fun.

My plan is to just do what I can, and hope the contractors will move the rest ... gently.

Now of course, I could have did this over the last week or so, but as per usual I waited till today -- tres normale pour moi...

Looks like several of my peeps are writing about serious fare today, good for them. Me, I just want to get through this week intact.

Can I get a Ashe?

Back to work ....


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